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What evidence is there of problem solving?

  • Reflection on experimentation has been done throughout in weekly reflection and on notes in my book.

  • Development of ideas/ outcomes has been done including layering up pervious work to try and create a more chaotic pattern.

  • The original idea (outlined in project proposal) has changed but this has all been documented in mind maps and book work?  

  • The changes in timetabling have been noted in my weekly evaluations.

  • There is evidence of planning and organisation in my time plan that is evolving as and when needed. 

  • There isn’t evidence of contingency plans but what I aim to make is not difficult to do from home and is not too complicated but I know what I can do if I need to.


What research has been gathered?

  • Primary- both observational drawings, and photographs have been done.

  • Secondary- I have looked into artists, stories, relevant animals what already exits and different theories.

  • The research relevant I have done has been relevant at the time its done and any research done earlier has helped me to develop my ideas. 

  • All research sources have been cited on my blog in a different section. 

  • On  my blog, the author of text is not clearly identified however that’s because power point slides have been transferred. But all links and references are below the posts.


Is there evidence of ongoing evaluation and reflection shaping the project? 

  • I have been completing weekly reflections, and note in my book where relevant.


Is there evidence of idea generation? 

  • Yes, I have been mind-mapping, writing notes, as well as the proposal

Is there evidence of experimentation?

  • Yes I have explore different techniques.


Is there research & planning of final outcome for presentation to intended audience?

  • I have started thinking about your final outcome, I plan to create a series if prints/ repeat patterns based on the Odyssey.

  • What is your end user context for my work will be a shop or gallery where the print can be displayed or used commercially.

  • I have done research into current patterns and shops that sell patterns.

  • I have little evidence of planning at this stage as I am still developing ideas and deciding what I feel works best.


Has research been used to develop ideas?

  • Primary research has informed creative choices and designs in my work through visiting location that you would find in the story and taking first hand photography.

  • In addition research into the story settings and themes has helped me to develop ideas. These are being developed into patterns on photoshop after layering up.


What are the intentions of the project?

  • There is no key message but, in the project,, I hope to represent the chaos of the story in The Odyssey.

  • The intended audience is young adults who may use the prints and patterns in their home

  • The project predominantly about both process and Outcome. The variety of processes used  is in order to make a more interesting patterns by the end.


Is the subject context clear?

  • The Greek myth The Odyssey has shaped the project concept, the patterns I have been creating have been based off images from the theme and settings in the story.

  • This may not be clear until explain but I hop to represent the chaos of the story in my work.

Stage 3 - Mid Project Review: Text
Stage 3 - Mid Project Review: Pro Gallery
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